I received my first pico boards few days ago ( thank you Gordon, brilliant design from both software and hardware perspective!).
I started this temperature regulator project, mainly to have a start with Java Script which is unknown to me until now, but also with a real application in mind: as an amateur photographer I maintain a nice inventory of vintage cameras and lenses in a dependency of our house which is unheated over the winter.
Now, the design goals, adapted to this application are:
-maintain a low regulated temperature when I am not working, for the sake of decent electricity bill;
-maintain a comfortable temp whil I am spending time in that room;
-take care about the condensation and avoid rapid jumps in temperature when moving between the two;
Nice to have:
-remote control;
-temperature indication on some LCD or LEDs;
-Air Conditioning control for the summer days;
-some possibility to check for efficiency and status of control algorithm;
-real time clock to be able to program on a daily basis the target temperature;
I was not wise and I commited the aquisition of some components before having in mind the final design and thus I spend few good days trying hopelessly to write a HTU21D module... Christmas miracle: on December 22nd I found the just published HTU21D module on the Espruino site !!! Thank you Tom Gidden and Luwar !
Now, the code as of today ( functionality not checked yet since I am awaiting the prototype components):
// Will use:
//Espruino pico as controller
//I2C1 for communication with HTU21D
//IE: pin B7 I2C1 SDA .... DATA, pin B6 I2C1 SCL... CLOCK
//triac control is connected via a MOC3083 optocoupler whoes LED is sourced via
// a resistor on pin A8
// Before anything else we should turn off the triac
var triac=A8;
digitalWrite(triac,0); //this shoud reset the pin and set it as output
I2C1.setup( {scl: B6, sda: B7, bitrate 50000 } );
var htu = require('HTU21D').connect( I2C1 );
//soft reset is required before use of HTU21D
//turn HTU21D heater on for two seconds just to make sure the HTU21D sensor
//has no condensation
htu.setHeaterOn( true );
setTimeout('htu.setHeaterOn( false )'; 2000);
var temp = htu.readTemperature();
var humidity = htu.readHumidity();
var CompHumidity = htu.getCompensatedHumidity( humidity, temp );
//returns improved accuracy for humidity
var TargetTemp = 8.50;
// this assumes 8.50°C as a perfect target for the scope of the regulation
// for the finetuning of the regulation we will keep in TempHistory the
// hystorical values of the last hour
var TempHistory = Float32Array(60);
// at power-on we assume the measured temperature was constant for the last hour
var AverageTemp = temp;
new function PWMregulation(t,CH) {
var RegulatedTemp = TargetTemp;
//we want to check that moving towards regulated temp does not produce condensation
//furthermore, if the current temp is close or bellow dew point we wish to move
//to higher temp
var DewPointTemp=htu.getDewPoint(t,CH);
if ((TargetTemp-DewPointTemp) < 1) || ((t - DewPointTemp) < 1) {
RegulatedTemp=DewPointTemp + 1;
//same, we want to check that the temperature one hour ago was above the
//dew point temperature. This is because the metal and glass of the photolenses
// has thermal inertia and we don't want condensation to occur on these.
// We better move slowly to higher temperature if such.
// Remember, the project aim is to protect photo gear & lenses against
// condensation and resulting fungus !
if (TempHistory[59] - DewPointTemp) < 1 {
RegulatedTemp = TempHistory[59] + 1;
//here we apply the proportional-integrative-derivative control with some
// coeficients we feel appropriate.
//we will make some temperature regulation graphs to finetune these coeficients
// once the system is running
var PIDresult =0.5*(RegulatedTemp-t + 10*(RegulatedTemp-AverageTemp) + 40*(TempHistory[0]-t));
var calculatedPWM = E.clip (PIDresult, 0, 1);
return calculatedPWM;
// we set the control loop to 60 seconds
// all planned activities for optimal regulation are executed inside the bellow loop
setInterval( function() {
temp = htu.readHumidity();
humidity = htu.readHumidity();
CompHumdity = htu.getCompensatedHumidity( humidity, temp );
analogWrite(triac, PWMregulation(temp,CompHumdity), { freq : 1 });
//Prepare for the next loop
AverageTemp = AverageTemp - (TempHistory[59] - temp)/60;
for (i=59;i>0;i--) {
TempHistory[i] = TempHistory[i-1];
TempHistory[0] = temp;
As you may notice the code is under construction and not all the design goals are fulfiled as of today. But I would welcome your thoughts on the approach, any errors I might have done sofar and ideas for code optimization.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I received my first pico boards few days ago ( thank you Gordon, brilliant design from both software and hardware perspective!).
I started this temperature regulator project, mainly to have a start with Java Script which is unknown to me until now, but also with a real application in mind: as an amateur photographer I maintain a nice inventory of vintage cameras and lenses in a dependency of our house which is unheated over the winter.
Now, the design goals, adapted to this application are:
-maintain a low regulated temperature when I am not working, for the sake of decent electricity bill;
-maintain a comfortable temp whil I am spending time in that room;
-take care about the condensation and avoid rapid jumps in temperature when moving between the two;
Nice to have:
-remote control;
-temperature indication on some LCD or LEDs;
-Air Conditioning control for the summer days;
-some possibility to check for efficiency and status of control algorithm;
-real time clock to be able to program on a daily basis the target temperature;
I was not wise and I commited the aquisition of some components before having in mind the final design and thus I spend few good days trying hopelessly to write a HTU21D module... Christmas miracle: on December 22nd I found the just published HTU21D module on the Espruino site !!! Thank you Tom Gidden and Luwar !
Now, the code as of today ( functionality not checked yet since I am awaiting the prototype components):
As you may notice the code is under construction and not all the design goals are fulfiled as of today. But I would welcome your thoughts on the approach, any errors I might have done sofar and ideas for code optimization.