Yes, I'm using 0.25
Looks like you fixed ESP8266WiFi_0v25 right under my feet. Its now working without errors and I can listen/close/get/listen/... repeatedly without issue. So thanks for that.
If I don't close the server, I can't make a get(client) request. If I do I get the following error
ERROR: Socket error -1 while sending
I'll put this to the test over time and make a final post in a day or so to let you know that it is working reliably without any fringe conditions.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Yes, I'm using 0.25
Looks like you fixed
right under my feet. Its now working without errors and I can listen/close/get/listen/... repeatedly without issue. So thanks for that.If I don't close the server, I can't make a get(client) request. If I do I get the following error
I'll put this to the test over time and make a final post in a day or so to let you know that it is working reliably without any fringe conditions.