Will check that out. I've just this minute got my fermentation script measuring temp, controlling two 433Mhz sockets, reporting actual temp over MQTT and listening for targetTemp adjustment commands over MQTT also. It's running on an "OUT OF MEMORY" knife edge, and had to strip most of the console progess logging, and I doubt will stay up long. So I'll be sure to look at all the above suggestions. Thanks again!
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Will check that out. I've just this minute got my fermentation script measuring temp, controlling two 433Mhz sockets, reporting actual temp over MQTT and listening for targetTemp adjustment commands over MQTT also. It's running on an "OUT OF MEMORY" knife edge, and had to strip most of the console progess logging, and I doubt will stay up long. So I'll be sure to look at all the above suggestions. Thanks again!