Unfortunately that hasn't helped. I managed to get SPI1 working occasionally but only by putting a number as padding at the start of the array, but that still only seems to work some of the time.
var r = 25;
var g = 25;
var b = 25;
SPI1.send4bit([10, r, g, b], 0b0001, 0b0011);
Edit: with more testing it seems almost random what colour comes out compared to the array that gets sent.
Edit 2: The hardware SPI seems to give a different output even if I send the same command several times, it looks like a timing problem to me, but that's a guess from playing around with the baud rate. It looks like software SPI is the only option for me at the moment.
Edit 3: This works, but don't ask me why. The timeout and the leading 0 in the array are essential for it to reliably output the correct colour.
SPI1.send4bit([0,10,10,10], 0b0001, 0b0011);
Try the following:
It may be that setting the pinMode explicitly to output is required.