I used the 0.25 on a ESP-01 that came with 0.18. And that was trivial, after I had to throw away the first broken one (it always failed sooner or later to write to the EEPROM). Now I got some - two - more with 0.40 version. What to do? Hope it complies with 0.25 or bump it up to 0.50. Because it was not very clear which files had to be place on it, so I down graded it to 0.25... and it works now most of the time. So give it a shot with 0.25. (I'm also interested in a bit more details about the 0.50 version.)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I used the 0.25 on a ESP-01 that came with 0.18. And that was trivial, after I had to throw away the first broken one (it always failed sooner or later to write to the EEPROM). Now I got some - two - more with 0.40 version. What to do? Hope it complies with 0.25 or bump it up to 0.50. Because it was not very clear which files had to be place on it, so I down graded it to 0.25... and it works now most of the time. So give it a shot with 0.25. (I'm also interested in a bit more details about the 0.50 version.)