I only have opinion on the ESP8266 board. My vote is one board for the ESP8266. This would encompass ESP-01, ESP-12, NodeMCU devKit and boards from Adafruit, Sparkfun and all the others out there. While I fully realize that some of these boards expose lesser pins on the physical board, in each case, they are all ESP8266s. When writing a JavaScript app for any and all of these boards, the app will be the same. Obviously a programmer running the script on an ESP-01 will have less physical pins to solder against ... but the program will still run without error ... they just have to be cognizant that they can't easily get to the additional pins for electrical connection.
The amount of flash memory does indeed differ by board. However ... if the Espruino code base will fit within the minimum flash (512K) that we have so far seen with an ESP8266 I am wondering if there isn't a run-time solution to determine (or configure) the flash size available to applications? If there were, this would then allow us to have one set of firmware for ALL ESP8266 boards irrespective of flash size.
The objection I anticipate to that last notion is that it will prevent Over The Air (OTA) flashing of new Espruino firmware builds to an ESP8266. While loss of any function is lamentable, my vote on that issue is that OTA for Espruino is a low priority item. Once we hit stability of ESP8266 port, I do not anticipate refreshes of the Espuino firmware at a rate that would result in gross dissatisfaction with USB->UART loading.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I only have opinion on the ESP8266 board. My vote is one board for the ESP8266. This would encompass ESP-01, ESP-12, NodeMCU devKit and boards from Adafruit, Sparkfun and all the others out there. While I fully realize that some of these boards expose lesser pins on the physical board, in each case, they are all ESP8266s. When writing a JavaScript app for any and all of these boards, the app will be the same. Obviously a programmer running the script on an ESP-01 will have less physical pins to solder against ... but the program will still run without error ... they just have to be cognizant that they can't easily get to the additional pins for electrical connection.
The amount of flash memory does indeed differ by board. However ... if the Espruino code base will fit within the minimum flash (512K) that we have so far seen with an ESP8266 I am wondering if there isn't a run-time solution to determine (or configure) the flash size available to applications? If there were, this would then allow us to have one set of firmware for ALL ESP8266 boards irrespective of flash size.
The objection I anticipate to that last notion is that it will prevent Over The Air (OTA) flashing of new Espruino firmware builds to an ESP8266. While loss of any function is lamentable, my vote on that issue is that OTA for Espruino is a low priority item. Once we hit stability of ESP8266 port, I do not anticipate refreshes of the Espuino firmware at a rate that would result in gross dissatisfaction with USB->UART loading.