• #2
Are you using Serial1.setup() instead of Serial2.setup()?
• #3
Yes, I am using Serial1.
I2C1.setup({scl: B6, sda: B7}); // NFC module Serial1.setup(9600, { rx: A3, tx : A2 }); // BLE module
e; will try both when i get back home;
e2; while thinking about it a bit closer, the error might have came up when i tried Serial2, because Serial1 wasn't giving me any response. -
• #4
Ok, now I've confirmed that, Yes, that does happen on Serial1, While Serial2 give undefined.
e; Wowsers! Serial2 responded! :D
• #5
You should use Serial2, sorry if I was unclear.
Successful Serial/Serialx.setup() return undefined, so it's expected to see that after successfully calling Serial.setup() from the console
• #6
Anyone know what state / brk is for>?
Hi; just received my HM10 BLE module, and I'm getting this error when trying to use A3 / A2 as RX/TX
when the image on the pico clearly says those are available.
The thing is that B7 and B6 is taken for my NFC module atm.
How can i make it use the USART2 ?
Also, not sure about the other wirings, so I've only connected gnd/vcc/rx/tx for now, to see if i can get it working or not, I've only had it for ~20 min