• Is the ack something you receive serially / over RX from the module?

    If so, use serial.onData(callback) with callback function receiving the ack and triggering the next command...

    For use in application logic, this is of course a bit cumbersome... Therefore, you may use a FIFO with some triggering methods inbetween your app and the display which takes care of feeding the display module with the comands in a timely correct manner/sequence, where as the application just pushes to the FIFO without having to be time aware.

    The FIFO is of course a buffer and could over-grow if you have a run-away in your application.

    Some code 'in the rough':

    var dsp =
    { cmds: [] // fifo
    , idling: false
    , serial: null
    , exec: function(cmd) { // cmd to send to display
        if (this.idling) { 
          this.idling = false;
    , _tx: function() {
    , _rx: function(data) {
        if (this.cmds.length > 0) { 
        } else { 
          this.idling = true;
    , connect: funcrtion(serial) {
        this.serial = serial;
        this.idling = true;
        this.exec(""); // may be some initializations...
    Serial1.setup(9600); // setup Serial1
    dsp.exec("....."); // 1st cmd
    dsp.exec("....."); // 2nd cmd
    dsp.exec("....."); // 3rd cmd

    This code has no error handling (over flow, out of synch, etc.) in place. For examples:

    • .exec() needs overflow handling (some reasonable limit to the fifo size check)
      - ._rx() needs check ack data received and accdingly acted on
      - some state / timout has to be put in place in case communication gets 'out of sync'

      A first enhancement is to leave the command in the fifo (using this.serial.write(this.cmds[0]);) until 'good' ack is received and then removed (this.cmds.splice(0,1);). If 'bad' acc is received (or timout hits), re-send/re-print or drop - with or without error logging - has to be considered.

      The .connect() is currently minimal. You may extend it with additional parameter(s) - string (or array of strings) that include some display module initialization that has to be done anyway.

      Can you share the code how you got your display initially working?

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