So my wifi code is now solid when Pico and Adafruit Huzzah are running attached to the WebIDE.
However I am unable to connect to the ESP8266 following save() and disconnect from USB.
The two variables would seem to be power and possible changes to serial.
I am avoiding print and console when not on IDE, having read of problems this can introduce. However I wonder if something unhelpful is going down the serial1 line? I don't have a TTL cable to be able to monitor it.
I have an OLED display and was able to put in enough instrumentation to confirm that everything else is working fine as far as I can tell.
Sometimes when I return to USB it just starts working again. This led me to think it this was power as the symptom (steady blue light on ESp8266) is similar to what I had when I wasn't giving it enough juice. But I've ruled that out by having esp8266 on its own separate power circuit.
Powering off and on makes no odds, including whether I power off while connected to USB or afterwards.
In init I am re-initialising the serial line and also the ESP8266.
I've also tried pulsing the RST line on the ESP8266 to try to reset it before reconnecting - this seems to work as the lights flash, but no reconnection possible.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So my wifi code is now solid when Pico and Adafruit Huzzah are running attached to the WebIDE.
However I am unable to connect to the ESP8266 following save() and disconnect from USB.
The two variables would seem to be power and possible changes to serial.
I am avoiding print and console when not on IDE, having read of problems this can introduce. However I wonder if something unhelpful is going down the serial1 line? I don't have a TTL cable to be able to monitor it.
I have an OLED display and was able to put in enough instrumentation to confirm that everything else is working fine as far as I can tell.
Sometimes when I return to USB it just starts working again. This led me to think it this was power as the symptom (steady blue light on ESp8266) is similar to what I had when I wasn't giving it enough juice. But I've ruled that out by having esp8266 on its own separate power circuit.
Powering off and on makes no odds, including whether I power off while connected to USB or afterwards.
In init I am re-initialising the serial line and also the ESP8266.
I've also tried pulsing the RST line on the ESP8266 to try to reset it before reconnecting - this seems to work as the lights flash, but no reconnection possible.