Just a follow-up question on deep sleep - if 3.3v pin and GPIO pins stay on during deep sleep, presumably I am better powering sensors from a controllable GPIO pin so as to minimise draw during deep sleep, something like the code below.
For larger stuff that needs more current than a controllable pin can supply, presumably I need a transistor connected to 3.3V, the controllable pin and common ground in order to switch them off during deep sleep?
// button will be wired from 3.3V pin to A8.
// other sensors will be wired with +ve to power pin B1 and their own ADC pin to read
var powerPin = B1, btnPin = A8;
var watch;
function doStuffAndSleep () {
//power up sensors
//check sensors...
//...check completed
//shutdown power and go to sleep
function setupWatch () {
setWatch(doStuffFromSleep, btnPin, { repeat:false });
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Just a follow-up question on deep sleep - if 3.3v pin and GPIO pins stay on during deep sleep, presumably I am better powering sensors from a controllable GPIO pin so as to minimise draw during deep sleep, something like the code below.
For larger stuff that needs more current than a controllable pin can supply, presumably I need a transistor connected to 3.3V, the controllable pin and common ground in order to switch them off during deep sleep?