Was getting nowhere with my ESP8266 on a breadboard - nothing back from the firmware detection script save for empty quotes. Connected CH_PD to 3.3 on a whim (as out of ideas) and I got the expected return telling me what board version I have.
Is the documentation not very clear on this point? It reads like CH_PD is not required for Pico, and I'm pretty sure @Gordon has confirmed this elsewhere, but I can get nothing back from the Pico without that connection being made.
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Was getting nowhere with my ESP8266 on a breadboard - nothing back from the firmware detection script save for empty quotes. Connected CH_PD to 3.3 on a whim (as out of ideas) and I got the expected return telling me what board version I have.
Is the documentation not very clear on this point? It reads like CH_PD is not required for Pico, and I'm pretty sure @Gordon has confirmed this elsewhere, but I can get nothing back from the Pico without that connection being made.