Onboard usb! Or...I was. The micro usb connector snapped off the other night and ruined the traces. I'm definitely taking up Gordon's suggestion to use the kind with the 4 mounting pins on the next iteration.
Usb worked surprisingly easily actually, with the ic, crystal and the connector soldered onto the board, it just worked when I plugged it in. I keep expecting the shift from 8-bit, through hole, uart microcontrollers to be fraught with difficulties, but as long as you connect the right parts to the right pins, everything seems to work pretty well.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Onboard usb! Or...I was. The micro usb connector snapped off the other night and ruined the traces. I'm definitely taking up Gordon's suggestion to use the kind with the 4 mounting pins on the next iteration.
Usb worked surprisingly easily actually, with the ic, crystal and the connector soldered onto the board, it just worked when I plugged it in. I keep expecting the shift from 8-bit, through hole, uart microcontrollers to be fraught with difficulties, but as long as you connect the right parts to the right pins, everything seems to work pretty well.