After my last post, suddenly it worked with a 0.1uf ceramic capacitor. Then I had a break on this project for 2-3 monts.
Now, I have created an other circuit as the same of last working one. But getting the same error. Now in my test results pic allways flooding CL-LF (Char 10 and Char 13).
But when I put the circut 30 cm away from my notebook, it doesn't flood 10 and 13 char.
Espruino board and pic connected to the same power source with the same ground. I have tried more than 10 capacitors, but result is the same. I can only guess that all my capacitors are broken. Tomorrow I'm going to buy new capacitors.
Capacitors code is "104" I think I'm using the right one.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'm sorry to activate this thread again.
After my last post, suddenly it worked with a 0.1uf ceramic capacitor. Then I had a break on this project for 2-3 monts.
Now, I have created an other circuit as the same of last working one. But getting the same error. Now in my test results pic allways flooding CL-LF (Char 10 and Char 13).
But when I put the circut 30 cm away from my notebook, it doesn't flood 10 and 13 char.
Espruino board and pic connected to the same power source with the same ground. I have tried more than 10 capacitors, but result is the same. I can only guess that all my capacitors are broken. Tomorrow I'm going to buy new capacitors.
Capacitors code is "104" I think I'm using the right one.
Do you have any other idea?