• Soft-Tested with the attached file.

    ADStxt15Ext.js is the module (modified name for temporary coexistence in my sandbox modules folder.

    ADS1x15Ext_tst.js is a testing approach with TDS - Test Data Specs and the MTEST - Module TESTer.

    A validation (in vals:[]) can be specified in two formats:

    [ "id_of_the_validation"
      , function() { /*returning true or false */ return true;} ]


    [ "interpretable.left.side definedOperator interpretable.right.side" ]

    The following two are exactly the same:

          , [ "defaultI2Addr", function(test) { 
                     return test.inst.addr === test.tds.defaultI2cAddr; } ]
          , [ "inst.addr === tds.defaultI2CAddr" ]

    The test is the ModuleTESTer singleton, is always passed and provides access to the mod(ule), the inst(ance - afer the .connect()) and tds (TestDataSpecs). More at a later time.

    // ./__tsts/ADS1x15Ext_tst.js
    var MOD = require("ADS1x15Ext");
    var TDS = // ...TestDataSpec
    { vInfo: { v:1, d:20150915, a:"allObjects" }
    , moduleName:"ADS1x15Ext"
    , defaultI2CAddr: 0x48 // .addr after connect w/ new 
    , defaultAPGGain: 2048 // .gain after connect w/ new
    , updatedAddr: 0xA5    // .addr after setAddr()
    , updatedGain: 6144    // .gain after setGAin()
    , invalidGain: 9999    // for setGAin()
    , invalidGainXptnMsg:  "Gain 9999 not found"
    , gain4096:       4096 // .gain
    , adcRaw0:           0 // raw 0
    , adcRaw32767:   32767 // raw max
    , adcRaw32768N: -32768 // raw min
    , adcRaw1:           1 // raw 1
    , adcRaw1N:         -1 // raw -1
    , ch0:  0              // channel 0 (1st)
    , ch1:  1              // channel 1 (2nd)
    , ch2:  2              // channel 2 (3rd)
    , ch3:  3              // channel 3 (4th)
    , readCnt: 2           // read count in bytes on read register 1..3
    , vars:
     { i2c: null           // used in test
      , savedGain: -1      // used to save gain
      , adcRaw: -1         // raw value read from ADC
    , tsts:                // tests
     [ { id:"getModule():" 
        , f: function(test) { test.mod = require(test.tds.moduleName); }
        , vals: 
          [ [ "mod !== undefined" ]
          , [ "mod !== null" ]
          , [ "typeof:mod.connect === function" ]
      , { id:"connect():" 
        , f: function(test) { test.inst = test.mod.connect(test.tds.vars.i2c); }
        , vals: 
          [ [ "inst !== undefined" ]
          , [ "inst !== null" ]
          , [ "inst.i2c === tds.vars.i2c" ]
          , [ "inst.addr === tds.defaultI2CAddr" ]
          , [ "inst.gain === tds.defaultAPGGain" ]
          , [ "typeof:inst.setAddr === function" ]
          , [ "typeof:inst.setGain === function" ]
      , { id:"setAddr():" 
        , f: function(test) { test.inst.setAddr(test.tds.updatedAddr); }
        , vals: 
          [ [ "inst.addr === tds.updatedAddr" ]
      , { id:"setGain():" 
        , f: function(test) { test.inst.setGain(test.tds.updatedGain); }
        , vals: 
          [ [ "inst.gain === tds.updatedGain" ]
      , { id:"setGain() w invald gain:" 
        , f: function(test) {
               test.tds.vars.savedGain = test.inst.gain;
        , vals: // exception happpens, gain stays untouched
          [ [ "tstXptn.msg === tds.invalidGainXptnMsg" ]
          , [ "tstXptn.type === Error" ]
          , [ "inst.gain === tds.vars.savedGain" ]
      , { id:"getADC() ch0 adcRaw0 0 via defaultI2CAddr:"
        , f: function(test) {
               test.inst.i2c.regs[0] = test.tds.adcRaw0;
                 test.tds.vars.adcRaw = raw;
               return 2 * 8; // timeout to let timeouted callback happen
        , vals: // ...not yet complete
          [ [ "tds.vars.adcRaw === tds.adcRaw0" ]
          , [ "inst.i2c.wAddr === tds.defaultI2CAddr" ]
          , [ "inst.i2c.rAddr === tds.defaultI2CAddr" ]
          , [ "inst.i2c.rCnt === tds.readCnt" ]
    TDS.vars.i2c = // ...I2C mock / partial emulation just check used invocations
    { wAddr: -1 // write and...
    , rAddr: -1 // ...read addr separate for complet getADC validation
    , rCnt: -1  // read count
    , reg: -1   // reg ptr
    , regs: [-1,-1,-1,-1] // 4 16 bit regs
    , writeTo: function(wAddr,reg,msb,lsb) {
        this.wAddr = wAddr;
        this.reg = reg;
        if (typeof msb === "undefined") { return; } // ----> break 
        if (this.reg === 0) { 
          new Error("Conversion register 0 cannot be written to");
        this.regs[this.reg] = (msb << 8) | lsb;
    , readFrom: function(addr,cnt) {
        this.rAddr = addr;
        this.rCnt = cnt;
        return new Uint8Array([this.regs[this.reg]>>8,this.regs[this.reg] & 0xFF]);
    var MTEST =          // Module TEST
    { vInfo: { v:1, d:20150915, a:"allObjects" }
    , tds: null          //   test data spec
    , dbg: false         //   debug
    , mod: null          //   module
    , inst: null         //   instance (afer new or new in connect)
    , tstsOk: 0          //   number of tests that succeeded
    , tstsNOk: 0         //   number of tests that failed
    , validsOk: 0        //   number of validations that succeeded
    , validsNOk: 0       //   number of validations that failed
    , tme: undefined     //   ongoing timeout
    , tstXptn: ""        //   exception last thrown by tst function/method
    , tstIdx: -1, tstId: "nyd"
    , valIdx: -1, valId: "nyd"
    , test: function(tds) {
        this.tds = tds;
        this.mod = null;
        this.inst = null;
        this.tstsOk = 0;
        this.tstsNOk = 0;
        this.validsOk = 0;
        this.validsNOk = 0;
        this.tme = undefined;
        this.tstXptn = "";
        this.tstIdx = 0; tstId = "nyd";
        this.valIdx = 0; valId = "nyd";
    , _test: function() {
        var _this = this;
        var tst = this.tds.tsts[this.tstIdx];
        if (this.tme) {
          this.tme = undefined;
        } else {
          this.tstId = tst.id; this.tstX = ""; 
          try { this.tme = tst.f(this); } catch(tstXptn) { this.tstXptn = tstXptn; }
        if (this.tme) {
          setTimeout(function(){ _this._test(); },this.tme);
        } else {
          if (this.dbg && (this.tstXptn)) { console.log(this.tstXptn); }
          var tOk = true, vOK;
            this.valIdx = vdx; 
            if (val.length === 1) {
              this.log(vOk = this.interpret(this.valId = val[0]));
            } else {
              this.valId = val[0];
              this.log(vOk = val[1](this));
            if (vOk) { this.validsOk++; } else { this.validsNOk++; }
            tOk &= vOk;
          if (tOk) { this.tstsOk++; } else { this.tstsNOk++; }
          if (this.tstIdx < this.tds.tsts.length) {
            setTimeout(function(){ _this._test(); },1);
          } else {
    , interpret: function(s) {
        var sEs = s.split(" ");
        return this[sEs[1]](this.resolve(sEs[0]),this.resolve(sEs[2]));
    , resolve: function(s) { var r = null;
       if (this.dbg) { console.log("resolve(): " + s); }
        try { r = this[s]; if (typeof r === "undefined") {
          if (s.indexOf("typeof:") === 0) {
              r = typeof this.resolve(s.substr(7));
            } else {
              var ps = s.split("."), pc = ps.length, x = -1; r = this;
              while (++x < pc) { r = r[ps[x]]; }
        } catch(xptn) { throw new Error(
          [ "Error:", this.tds.moduleName, this.tstId, this.valId
          , "Unable to resolve:", s, "(", xptn, ")"
          ].join(" ") );
        if (this.dbg) { console.log("resolve()d: " + r); }
        return r;
    , logHdr: function(pf) {
        var tdsVInfo = this.tds.vInfo;
        console.log("-"); console.log(
          [ pf + " Module TEST:", this.tds.moduleName
          , "vrsn:" + tdsVInfo.v, "date:" + tdsVInfo.d, "auth:" + tdsVInfo.a
          ].join(" "));
    , logTest: function() {
         console.log( "-    " + this.tds.moduleName);
    , logTst: function() {
         console.log( "-        " + this.tstId);
    , log: function(ok) {
          [ ((ok) ? "- ok      " : "- FAILED   ")
          , this.valId
          ].join(" "));
    , logRslts: function(pf) {
        console.log(pf + ((this.tstsNOk === 0) ? " ok    " : " FAILED "));
     , logTV: function(pf,tv,ok,nok) {
        var v = ok + nok;
          [ pf, " ", Math.round(ok / v * 100), "% of "
          , v, " ", tv, " passed", " (", ok, " : ", nok, ")"
    MTEST["null"     ] = null;
    MTEST["undefined"] = undefined;
    MTEST["function" ] = "function";
    MTEST.number       = "number";
    MTEST.boolean      = "boolean";
    MTEST.Error        = "Error";
    MTEST["==="] = function(a,b) { var r = (a === b);
       if (this.dbg) { console.log([a," === ",b].join(" ")); }
       return r; };
    MTEST["!=="] = function(a,b) { var r = (a !== b);
       if (this.dbg) { console.log([a," !== ",b].join(" ")); }
       return r; };
    var debug = function(){ test(1); };
    var test = function(dbg){ MTEST.dbg = dbg; MTEST.test(TDS); };

    Output in console:

    - Module TEST: ADS1x15Ext vrsn:1 date:20150915 auth:allObjects
    -    ADS1x15Ext
    -        getModule():
    - ok       mod !== undefined
    - ok       mod !== null
    - ok       typeof:mod.connect === function
    -        connect():
    - ok       inst !== undefined
    - ok       inst !== null
    - ok       inst.i2c === tds.vars.i2c
    - ok       inst.addr === tds.defaultI2CAddr
    - ok       inst.gain === tds.defaultAPGGain
    - ok       typeof:inst.setAddr === function
    - ok       typeof:inst.setGain === function
    -        setAddr():
    - ok       inst.addr === tds.updatedAddr
    -        setGain():
    - ok       inst.gain === tds.updatedGain
    -        setGain() w invald gain:
    - ok       tstXptn.msg === tds.invalidGainXptnMsg
    - ok       tstXptn.type === Error
    - ok       inst.gain === tds.vars.savedGain
    -        getADC() ch0 adcRaw0 0 via defaultI2CAddr:
    - ok       tds.vars.adcRaw === tds.adcRaw0
    - ok       inst.i2c.wAddr === tds.defaultI2CAddr
    - ok       inst.i2c.rAddr === tds.defaultI2CAddr
    - ok       inst.i2c.rCnt === tds.readCnt
    ~ Module TEST: ADS1x15Ext vrsn:1 date:20150915 auth:allObjects
    ~ ok
    ~ 100% of 6 tests passed (6 : 0)
    ~ 100% of 19 validations passed (19 : 0)

    2 Attachments


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