@HaraldK, 'glow LEDn' for n = 20..2000? That's when the data daisy chained LEDs come in handy witht serially sending 32 bit per LED w/ 400kHz (1 data line) for timed detection or xMHz for clocked detection (1 data and 1 clock line): 24 for color and 8 for intensity. Are you thinking about driving a LED cube? ...or a 'crazy' Christmas decoration? With 400kHz you get about a frame rate of 50 frames/s on 2k LEDs, which gives you already smooth motion picture (movie)... you may be able to manage the 80kByes for the data buffer, but I'm not sure about preparing that data and and send it out at the same time... in (non-compiled) JavaScript. Compilation helps a lot, but is at this point still somewhat limited. You might need to share a bit more about your setup to get reasonable figures in the answers.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
@HaraldK, 'glow LEDn' for n = 20..2000? That's when the data daisy chained LEDs come in handy witht serially sending 32 bit per LED w/ 400kHz (1 data line) for timed detection or xMHz for clocked detection (1 data and 1 clock line): 24 for color and 8 for intensity. Are you thinking about driving a LED cube? ...or a 'crazy' Christmas decoration? With 400kHz you get about a frame rate of 50 frames/s on 2k LEDs, which gives you already smooth motion picture (movie)... you may be able to manage the 80kByes for the data buffer, but I'm not sure about preparing that data and and send it out at the same time... in (non-compiled) JavaScript. Compilation helps a lot, but is at this point still somewhat limited. You might need to share a bit more about your setup to get reasonable figures in the answers.