• C5,C6,L1 is a bandpass filter. But the capacitors are way too high in my opinion.

  • Would not the C5 and C6 be in series for it to be a bandpass filter? Anyways, I only tried things at random, and it sounded best with those high valued caps, I almost suspect it's because of their ESR rather than capacitance...

    Also, I made this today: http://www.lulu.com/shop/alexander-brevig/inventors-pad/paperback/product-22351691.html

    It's an Open Source Notebook for engineers and other inventors. World's first maybe? ^^

    It has 100 projects, with a table of contents to begin.
    Each project has one clean page, and one lined page.

    There is also 30 blank 'note' pages at the back of the book.

    Each project is two pages in this layout:
