+hansamann has a good point - for people who've shied away from microcontrollers, having to solder pin strips on is going to discourage a good portion of potential users (particularly the web-developer type - the ones I know are so steeped in software that they can't work out how to use a shower, let alone a soldering iron). At the same time, I'd rather they not be preinstalled (at least not on the Espruinos I buy), and I think a lot of the more experienced hardware/microcontroller people wouldn't want that either. Maybe the solution to this and sensors is for there to be a starter kit with the headers pre-installed and some cheap sensors and stuff to get started with, plus a breadboard (these suck imo, but if you can't solder, you kinda need something like this) and some dupont line?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
+hansamann has a good point - for people who've shied away from microcontrollers, having to solder pin strips on is going to discourage a good portion of potential users (particularly the web-developer type - the ones I know are so steeped in software that they can't work out how to use a shower, let alone a soldering iron). At the same time, I'd rather they not be preinstalled (at least not on the Espruinos I buy), and I think a lot of the more experienced hardware/microcontroller people wouldn't want that either. Maybe the solution to this and sensors is for there to be a starter kit with the headers pre-installed and some cheap sensors and stuff to get started with, plus a breadboard (these suck imo, but if you can't solder, you kinda need something like this) and some dupont line?