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  • Instead of seeing the MCP23017 and bit-peek and -poke things together, I was more thinking along the lines of a modified HD44780 module - called HD44780MCP23017 - which has exactly the same API as HD44780 (in 4 bit mode) but hides that there is an MCP23017 inbetween... I feel that is a bit what @Gordon is talking about. The connect may be a bit different, because instead of passing pins for the control and data lines, an address and I2C lines have to be provided.

    To have extra port expander module(s) in place as @DrAzzy suggests, is a good point. I hinted plural, because there are multiple expanders out there: 2x8bit or 16bit - as the MCP23017/MCP23S17 types (for I2C and SPI), and 8 bits.


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