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  • @DrAzzy, you make a good point... for just controlling output it works quite well. When it is in conjunction with any other things behind - especially with buttons that should trigger events - the MCP23017 is so versatitile, that I would see two modules... at least for the start. Of course, implementing the latter would benefit from the implementation of a plain MCP23017 extender. Before I confidently understand the dynamic aspects that are need - such as when to then send something to the extender after having done all the 'set' operations - I could think of this. Maybe I see it too complicated and it is just very simple. Since we are living in an resource constraint world - speed and memory - I see less generalization and more specialization/dedication to take place. That does not mean 'no generalization, just specialization', but it means to pick the appropriate degree of generalization.

    What I miss on this shield is that the intA and intB connections are not on pins... no wonder it is an Arduino shield with the Arduino loop programming model - with polling... a totally different software architecture than Espruino - with eventing, and I love the latter...


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