Awesome, thanks! I'll get those mailed out tonight.
That's exactly what it's meant for - testing and development, and one-off projects where making a specialized board is hard to justify. I don't know if others do, but I end up with a lot of often very crude boards being used for a specific purpose (like, ATTiny85/841 grade stuff). I've done one project of that sort with this kind of project board, and it went together a lot faster.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Awesome, thanks! I'll get those mailed out tonight.
That's exactly what it's meant for - testing and development, and one-off projects where making a specialized board is hard to justify. I don't know if others do, but I end up with a lot of often very crude boards being used for a specific purpose (like, ATTiny85/841 grade stuff). I've done one project of that sort with this kind of project board, and it went together a lot faster.