A capacitor exploded in the emitter while I was testing the DMX signal, it didn't simply pop its top, it blew in to pieces!
I am not sure if it was a fault with the emitter or if the DMX shield sent enough current to overload the capacitor, I tested it with tx to tx first, and was not seeing any results, so I switched it over to RX on the shield, was playing around in the IDE and BOOM.
When I measure the pins in the DMX shield it seems to be putting out half a volt consistently flowing from the bottom pin to each of the top pins (3 pin DMX) while plugged into RX on the shield
When plugged into TX on the shield it reads .08v flowing in the other direction.
I cant seem to measure any amps when I test with the multimeter in either configuration however, which seems weird to me, though I am no electronics guru.
Think it was the negative voltage flow that killed it? I would be cautious to try again as these emitters are not cheap.
It is a pity that DMX shield has no documentation, otherwise it would not be such a guessing game.
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@gordon well I blew up my emitter!
A capacitor exploded in the emitter while I was testing the DMX signal, it didn't simply pop its top, it blew in to pieces!
I am not sure if it was a fault with the emitter or if the DMX shield sent enough current to overload the capacitor, I tested it with tx to tx first, and was not seeing any results, so I switched it over to RX on the shield, was playing around in the IDE and BOOM.
When I measure the pins in the DMX shield it seems to be putting out half a volt consistently flowing from the bottom pin to each of the top pins (3 pin DMX) while plugged into RX on the shield
When plugged into TX on the shield it reads .08v flowing in the other direction.
I cant seem to measure any amps when I test with the multimeter in either configuration however, which seems weird to me, though I am no electronics guru.
Think it was the negative voltage flow that killed it? I would be cautious to try again as these emitters are not cheap.
It is a pity that DMX shield has no documentation, otherwise it would not be such a guessing game.
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