• New revision fresh out of the oven (and some flux retouch on the ICs)

    I changed the crystal for the CC430 to an oscillator, and I've removed the balun passives for an IC balun/filter (Johanson balun and filter). Fixed a few mistakes (such as not routing RST line to JTAG header....., and making USB footprint from bottom view image i.e mirrored about x axis....) and I hope to get more tests done now :)

    The next revision will be 4 layers and much smaller as I'll drop out most of what's only there to aid my testing and developing of the firmware. Also I will not manually pick and place the next version so I can use 0402 parts. Lastly I'll be able to actually follow TIs design guidelines for the RF signal path. Need to read up on co-planar wave guides but it's all fun :)

    Most of the gear for my lab has arrived but I've not had time to build the desk yet. When the desk is built I planned on making a few silly unboxing videos. I've peeked a bit and I must say the Thermaltronics soldering station looks very promising :D
