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  • I have a project where I am trying to send data directly into google spreadsheets through google script. I have a get function in google script:

    function doGet(e) {
        var obj = e.parameter;
        var data = [];
        var key = "spreadsheetKey";
        var sheetName = "Names";
        for(var name in obj) {
        var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(key).getSheetByN­ame(sheetName);
        var result = {result:data}; //could be any value that you want to return
        return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.str­ingify(result)).setMimeType(ContentServi­ce.MimeType.JSON);

    As of now this script will return the same data it was sent in JSON format. The problem I have at this moment is that google redirects the get call to another page. See bottom of this page. How do I get espruino to redirect?? Thank you in advance for your help on the subject.


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