It boggles my mind how many people don't have USB serial adapters sitting around - on Arduino forums, it's a little defensible, since you need the ones with DTR broken out. But... any old serial adapter will work for this, like the $1-shipped CH340G ones from ebay (note - the cheapo black ones did a lousy job of wave soldering; they work fine, but the USB connector's "ears" often aren't soldered down, so it could break off easily if you don't solder them in place)
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Well said, Gordon :-P
It boggles my mind how many people don't have USB serial adapters sitting around - on Arduino forums, it's a little defensible, since you need the ones with DTR broken out. But... any old serial adapter will work for this, like the $1-shipped CH340G ones from ebay (note - the cheapo black ones did a lousy job of wave soldering; they work fine, but the USB connector's "ears" often aren't soldered down, so it could break off easily if you don't solder them in place)