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  • GAAAH! I knew it felt claustrophobic, but I thought I was just imagining things, and I've been so busy designing PCBs that I haven't had a chance to work on my next project (which would likely result

    It's a pity the firmware has to be in contiguous pages... Is this a technical limit, or something that could be solved in the future?

    Could this be done?

    Put bootloader in first block
    w/e in second
    code in the other 16k pages and the 64k page.
    Then 256k in the two 128k pages for firmware, and rip out wiznet and cc3k to make room. Or is this still not enough space?

    If this is viable - I'll auto-build it nightly like the other builds I do if you tell me what arguments to compile it with... I think as people start doing projects with it, they're going to start bumping into the memory limit, particularly when using the ESP8266, because of the size of the AT and ESP8266WiFi modules (and those users don't need the CC3k/Wiznet support)


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