Thanks. That's will be the reason. Should have just done the blinking LEDs for my first day back.
I usually used Espruino via the command line. Of course I had the modules on SD card on the "classic" one.
Will try again tomorrow using Module.addCached() or even use the IDE.
Will you be able to provide a binary with the Modules needed for the ESP8266? Would be great at least for my typical workflow, as pasting code on the Pico seems to fail more often than on the classic Espruino. Don't know if the CLI buffer is smaller or something? Also having the Wiznet or CC3000 flashed does not help anything with 8266. Don't know how many people run both.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks. That's will be the reason. Should have just done the blinking LEDs for my first day back.
I usually used Espruino via the command line. Of course I had the modules on SD card on the "classic" one.
Will try again tomorrow using Module.addCached() or even use the IDE.
Will you be able to provide a binary with the Modules needed for the ESP8266? Would be great at least for my typical workflow, as pasting code on the Pico seems to fail more often than on the classic Espruino. Don't know if the CLI buffer is smaller or something? Also having the Wiznet or CC3000 flashed does not help anything with 8266. Don't know how many people run both.
Thanks again, will talk back, once it runs.