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  • is the library I am using. The test.c compiles correctly. I am just trying to implement my own "stuff" to encrypt and decrypt as a test instead of using the test data.

    I uploaded the test.c file

    Eventually, I would like to create a AESCBC library into Espruino, but since i'm new to programming in general I seem to be hitting a brick wall :/ Maybe one day I will get this to work. Or maybe someone who is ambitious enough can get this to work ;-)

  • Well, in any case, the input buffer is in fact modified so jsiConsolePrintf works fine.

    And looking at the source code of the AES code, I believe modifying the input buffer is not necessary, and as such probably unintended. I would bet on that. But technically it is not a bug unless there is a promise that it does not modify the input buffer.


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