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  • Yep, dojo is an extremely powerfull set/toolbox of fully integrated frameworks, with full class hierarchy support and many other things that make it an enterprise strong javascript/client/(and server - on node.js) platform. Today's defacto standard 'require.js' IS dojo's original loader/dependecy manager/loader cache (a-la Java classloader). dijit - an many dojox - packages host a sea of widgets. dojo was born about the same time as jQuery, but going fully object-oriented (and keep functional approach where appropriate - hybrid) and M*VC w/ data/object stores it was over the head for usual Web page developer... dojotoolkit is co-built by Alex Russel, now member of Chromium projects (Chrome Browser, Chromium OS).

    Btw, if you omit or set interactionArea="gauge", you have your knob at the same time...

    Other things I use - for Web mobile - from dojo. Nice show case with source examples...


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