Yellow: Espruino Pico, with the layout we've talked about here. Obviously, this is the one I've talked most about here, since it's the only one directly relevant to Espruino.
Green: Arduino Pro Mini, otherwise exact same layout. Alternately, could easily fit a '1284p or other DIP microcontroller up to DIP-40.
5 x 10 cm general purpose, nothing that specifically caters to any MCU.
5x5cm ATTiny84/841 SOIC-14
5x5cm ATTiny85, with either SOIC or DIP package.
I think I figured out a way to get a better mounting hole on the large layout board.
I got slits cut in the board by drawing on the milling layer some 0.05" lines, with gaps for the ratbites. No need to use board outline layer (when I did that, the solder mask didn't come quite up to the edge; without it it came out fine with solder mask going to the milled edge.) I haven't tried seeing if this can get me castellated pads. Shoulda attempted it on my test board this batch.
I've already got something halfway done with an '85 board that will listen on 433mhz to see when door to the bathroom has been closed, and if the lights are off in the room, it will turn on a deep red LED (to not impede my getting back to sleep - studies have shown horrible things about blue light and sleep) trained on the floor near the bed for a few seconds, to help me find my way back. The same board (with a switch, ofc) will be used to control a white light on some nearby shelves too
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Yeah - I might end up doing that.
The boards are:
Yellow: Espruino Pico, with the layout we've talked about here. Obviously, this is the one I've talked most about here, since it's the only one directly relevant to Espruino.
Green: Arduino Pro Mini, otherwise exact same layout. Alternately, could easily fit a '1284p or other DIP microcontroller up to DIP-40.
5 x 10 cm general purpose, nothing that specifically caters to any MCU.
5x5cm ATTiny84/841 SOIC-14
5x5cm ATTiny85, with either SOIC or DIP package.
I think I figured out a way to get a better mounting hole on the large layout board.
I got slits cut in the board by drawing on the milling layer some 0.05" lines, with gaps for the ratbites. No need to use board outline layer (when I did that, the solder mask didn't come quite up to the edge; without it it came out fine with solder mask going to the milled edge.) I haven't tried seeing if this can get me castellated pads. Shoulda attempted it on my test board this batch.
I've already got something halfway done with an '85 board that will listen on 433mhz to see when door to the bathroom has been closed, and if the lights are off in the room, it will turn on a deep red LED (to not impede my getting back to sleep - studies have shown horrible things about blue light and sleep) trained on the floor near the bed for a few seconds, to help me find my way back. The same board (with a switch, ofc) will be used to control a white light on some nearby shelves too