Also - not sure what value capacitor you'll need. I'll try to play around with that later today and see if I can figure out how large a cap you need on it.
I have a 0.1uf and a 1uf ceramic cap on an ESP8266 breakout board, and it seems to work fine. I guess I was being overly pessimistic when I went with a 47uf one on the shim. I would definitely use a ceramic cap, though.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Between Gnd and Vcc.
Also - not sure what value capacitor you'll need. I'll try to play around with that later today and see if I can figure out how large a cap you need on it.
I have a 0.1uf and a 1uf ceramic cap on an ESP8266 breakout board, and it seems to work fine. I guess I was being overly pessimistic when I went with a 47uf one on the shim. I would definitely use a ceramic cap, though.