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  • I don't see any room for a polyfuse either; you've crammed every square millimeter of the board. Though it looks like you only need room for a 603 package...?

    You might be able to move one of the LEDs to the side of the chip (ie put the LED right where it comes out of the chip, before the resistor)... not sure if that's useful though.

    Re: silkscreen on bottom - the markings near that row of 6 pads for swd (what do they go to?) make it look like the 6 pads are just 2 pads each for vcc, gnd, 3v3, which ofc they're not.

    I mentioned this during the kickstarter; why not put two little plated through holes in the spot for the 32k crystal, to make it easier to install one of those cheap + plentiful radial can type crystals? It looks like you've got the space on the layout for it, since there's just ground plane underneath there...


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