I was briefly looking into the analog sampling speed when working on a solar panel diagnostics circuit. With the STM32F4 Discovery board I managed to collect my 100 samples at 12 bit resolution with a sampling speed of 5kHz. I also tried the Waveform which gives 8 bit data, at 100kHz, and I am still scratching my head trying to see if I can use the 8 bit resolution for the type of measurement I am doing. it may be possible but I need to figure out how to process the data. In my case I can collect the data and process it afterwards, so the delays in Espruino is not a major issue. It would be nice to be able to increase the sampling speed at 12 bit resolution with a factor of 5 or more, that would open up other applications.
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I was briefly looking into the analog sampling speed when working on a solar panel diagnostics circuit. With the STM32F4 Discovery board I managed to collect my 100 samples at 12 bit resolution with a sampling speed of 5kHz. I also tried the Waveform which gives 8 bit data, at 100kHz, and I am still scratching my head trying to see if I can use the 8 bit resolution for the type of measurement I am doing. it may be possible but I need to figure out how to process the data. In my case I can collect the data and process it afterwards, so the delays in Espruino is not a major issue. It would be nice to be able to increase the sampling speed at 12 bit resolution with a factor of 5 or more, that would open up other applications.