run it, it works great plug it in again and connect using the web IDE -- works great.
Now, pull it out of the usb port, and plug it back in again, but don't connect using the Web IDE, nothing happens... connect using the Web IDE, in business again.
If I pull it out of the usb port, and push it in only until the outer pins connect, things work.
if I slooowly push it in... things work until the middle pins connect.
Is there a way to not have it halt the interpreter once the inner pins make contact?
but either of them won't power the pico -- I'm guessing that the pico is sipping too little power for the pack to recognize it (it being designed for power gulping devices) .... any thoughts on this? Same thing with a wall charger that I tried...
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Heya! My new pico came in the mail today! Thanks!
Some quick questions -- new to Espruino but hopefully I'm not going batty:
So, I've saved the following code:
var doStuff = function() {
setTimeout(function() { LED2.reset(); }, 5000);
function onInit() {
setWatch(function() {
}, BTN, { repeat: true, debounce : 50, edge: "rising" });
run it, it works great plug it in again and connect using the web IDE -- works great.
Now, pull it out of the usb port, and plug it back in again, but don't connect using the Web IDE, nothing happens... connect using the Web IDE, in business again.
If I pull it out of the usb port, and push it in only until the outer pins connect, things work.
if I slooowly push it in... things work until the middle pins connect.
Is there a way to not have it halt the interpreter once the inner pins make contact?
Also -- I've tried using two different USB battery power packs (such as with the thought that I'd have an awesome really long lasting power supply that's easy to manage... the other is has a little solar panel too...
but either of them won't power the pico -- I'm guessing that the pico is sipping too little power for the pack to recognize it (it being designed for power gulping devices) .... any thoughts on this? Same thing with a wall charger that I tried...