My code:
var ocm=function(menu,option) { console.log("menu:"+menu+" option: "+option); if (menu==1) { if (option==0) { console.log("LIGHTS ON"); //do lights on calls } else if (option==1) { console.log("LIGHTS OFF"); //do lights off calls } else if (option==2) { console.log("SWITCH :"); digitalWrite(LED1,1); return {type:2,timeout:15}; } else if (option==3) { console.log("DESK :"); digitalWrite(LED1,1); return {type:3,timeout:15}; } else if (option==4) { console.log("NIXIE :"); digitalWrite(LED1,1); return {type:4,timeout:15}; } } else { if (menu==2) { // toggle a fargo or RF controlled device console.log("toggle device "+option); if (option < 8) { setFargo(option,!fargo[option]); console.log("set fargo"+option); } } else if (menu==3) { // control desk lamp console.log("desk lamp "+option); } else if (menu==4) { // control nixie clock if (option==0) { //clock on setDesk("nixs=1;uplcd();"); } else if (option==1) { //clock off setDesk("nixs=0;uplcd();"); } else if (option==2) { //time setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;MnuO=0;uplcd();"); } else if (option==3) { //temp setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;MnuO=1;uplcd();"); } else if (option==4) { //humidity setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;MnuO=2;uplcd();"); //} else if (option==5) { //pressure // setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;Mnu0=3;uplcd();") } } } digitalWrite(LED1,0); return {type:1,timeout:0}; }; var otm=function(){ digitalWrite(LED1,0); this.setRecognize(1,0); }; //My standard fargo network commands fargosturl=""; dateurl=""; fargourl=""; deskurl=""; fargo=new Uint8Array(8); function setDesk(command) { console.log("setDesk:"+deskurl+command); require("http").get(deskurl+command, function(res) { res.on('close',function () { if(this.code!=200) { console.log("Error commanding desklamp/nixie: "+this.code); } }); }); console.log("desk command"+command); } function getFargostatus() { var fargost=""; require("http").get(fargosturl, function(res) { res.on('data',function (data) {fargost+=data;}); res.on('close',function() {var tfs=JSON.parse(fargost); vtfs=tfs; for (var i=0;i<8;i++) { fargo[i]=tfs.relaystate[i].state;} if(MnuS==3){uplcd(1);}}); }); } function setFargo(relay,state) { var postfix = (state) ? "/on":"/off"; require("http").get(fargourl+(relay+1).toString()+postfix, function(res) { res.on('close',function () { if(this.code!=200) { fargo[relay]=state; } }); }); } function getDate() { var date=""; require("http").get(dateurl, function(res) { res.on('data',function (data) {date+=data;}); res.on('close',function() {clk=new Clock(date);}); }); //delete getDate; } function onInit() { Serial1.setup(9600,{tx:B6,rx:B7}); evr=require("easyvr").connect(Serial1,ocm,otm,otm); Serial2.setup(9600, { rx: A3, tx : A2 }); wifi = require("ESP8266WiFi").connect(Serial2, function(err) { if (err) throw err; wifi.reset(function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Connecting to WiFi"); wifi.connect("TwilightZone","L0st1nTheZ0ne", function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Connected"); // Now you can do something, like an HTTP request evr.setRecognize(1,0); setTimeout(getFargostatus,1000); setInterval(getFargostatus,30000); }); }); }); }
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Thanks to anyone who can see what's getting duplicated in memory and eating up memory....
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@DrAzzy started
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
My code:
Trace attached
Thanks to anyone who can see what's getting duplicated in memory and eating up memory....
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