• Sorry to not answer your quetion, but your question got me thinking:

    Do you control the web page as well?

    If so, then I envision a tag like:

      <script type="text/javascript.espruino">
      //Espruino code, not parsed by browser js 
      digitalWrite(LED1, true);
      //your server could call into functions on your Espruino too
      //something like 

    Could be kind of neat. If the developer controls both the Espruino and the web page then this could be a way for the server to provide dynamic code for the Espruino to run.

  • One of the items is a modem and I have no control over that web page, I am trying to get the connection status and signal strength. I also have a couple of PLCs (programmable logic controllers) where I do have control of the web pages. I don't have a clue what I would want to trigger from the PLC to the espruino software running on the embedded computer, it is one of those ideas that is looking for a problem to solve. I shall file it away because you know that at some time it will get me out of a hole.

    A bit off topic, but I assume that you guys know about http://www.busybox.net/, it does for embedded Linux what you are doing for Javascript.
