I've using Expruino on my STM32F4 Discovery a while but the last version that seemed to work was 1v69. The USB port is recognized as a virtual COM Port and it is accessible by Web-IDE. I've tried 1v70, 1v71 and 1v75 now but on all versions the USB was not detected. I do not think that's a driver issue, since when I roll back to 1v69 everything is working again.
I've tried Windows 7 but also Ubuntu was not able to detect a serial port (no PID/UID) if running Espruino >= 1v70
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I've using Expruino on my STM32F4 Discovery a while but the last version that seemed to work was 1v69. The USB port is recognized as a virtual COM Port and it is accessible by Web-IDE. I've tried 1v70, 1v71 and 1v75 now but on all versions the USB was not detected. I do not think that's a driver issue, since when I roll back to 1v69 everything is working again.
I've tried Windows 7 but also Ubuntu was not able to detect a serial port (no PID/UID) if running Espruino >= 1v70
Anyone who can reproduce this?