We've been playing around with the PWM's and after resoldering our docking station because B4 and A6 don't like eachother, we encountered a new problem.
We reduced it to this:
firmware v1.73:
analogWrite(B4,0.5); // works!
analogWrite(B0,0.5); // The LED on B4 is dark now??
analogWrite(B4,0.5); // works, both are on
analogWrite(B0,0.5); // The LED on B4 is dark now??
Is this a hardware thing or is it in the firmware?
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Hi Gordon,
We've been playing around with the PWM's and after resoldering our docking station because B4 and A6 don't like eachother, we encountered a new problem.
We reduced it to this:
firmware v1.73:
Is this a hardware thing or is it in the firmware?