• Hello all,

    Long time forum skulker, first time speaker. I'm writing in the hope that people might be able to tell me how viable a concept I'm working on is, and if possible, make some suggestions as to better solutions.

    The company I'm working for needs to take an audit of temperatures in their warehouse for certain produce. From what scant details I can gather, this doesn't need to be a regular thing - they expect to pull out a graph every quarter or so.

    The solution that I'm planning on building would be approximately 5 espruino boards with NRF24L01+ modules and DS18B20 temperature sensors attached. They will sit in deep sleep mode, turning on every 15 minutes to take a reading, transmit and return to deep sleep mode upon a successful transmit, sleeping for 15 minutes minus time taken for transmission. I would ideally want these to be battery powered, hence the deep sleep and sparse readings, and plan on using the recommended 1400mAh Lithium Polymer battery. I've had people voice concerns about range for the aformentioned radio transmitters, I would hope to eek out about 50m for very small and infrequent packets of data.

    So far, so normal. However, this is where I'm at a slight sticking point - I want to have a Raspberry Pi handling the receiving and processing. (Ideally, this will be happily sat plugged into a wall socket for power). What I would want to do is implement a MySQL database on the Pi, with a web frontend for accessing the data (with the potential for adding a dashboard ala Brian Dorey.com's excellent solar data logger and e-mail notifications should the temperature fall outside of acceptable bounds).

    The reason I feel that I'm coming a little unstuck is the Pi - if I implement Espruino on it, I don't believe that I'll be able to implement the database, which is a fairly large sticking point. However, if I don't, I'm not sure if that will make communication between the radio modules a faff.

    If anyone has knowledge on these matters, any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,

