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  • Looked at your .js code... wondered why you use WREN for just reading the busy flag...

    AT25.prototype.isBusy= function() {
    	if (add===undefined) {;
    	var t=new Uint8Array([0]);
        this.spi.send(6,this.cspin); //WREN
    //  this.spi.send(6,this.cspin); //WREN
    	var i=0;
      var ov=new Uint8Array([255]);
      }while((ov[0] & 0x01) == 0x01);
        print("\r\n ov is :" +ov[0]);

    I could imagine that this could mess up the whole thing... I would just go for this simple approach:

    // returns true if busy
    AT25.prototype.isBusy= function() {
      return ((this.spi.send([0x05],this.cspin)[0] & 0x01) === 0x01);

    You can then use this method in the read, write, erase, etc. at the begin like this:

    while (this.isBuys()) { "";  }

    Invoke .isBusy() Is no big deal, because you want to - and have to - waste time anyway...

    If you do not like the extra invocation, you could just imbed the code in the while condition:

    while ((this.spi.send([0x05],this.cspin)[0] & 0x01) === 0x01) { ""; }

    @Gordon, is the below code about the same as the above - assuming both work?

    while ((this.spi.send(5,this.cspin)[0] & 1) === 1) { ""; }

    And if both work, which one would you prefer?

    I'm asking, because of the conversion of literal ints to uInt8?


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