• So I've gotten my project to a point where I can bring up the primary function and run some basic autonomous cellular demonstrations (I'll pop that code up into the projects section shortly here), and found what needed to be adjusted for 16Mhz operation. However, now that I've got that running I want to try and get my major peripherals up and usable. One of them is an SD card, which unfortunately is connected via SDIO, and I can't get a successful compile.

    Adding this to my board file:

      'SD' :  { 'pin_cmd' :  'D2',
                'pin_d0' :  'C8',
                'pin_d1' :  'C9',
                'pin_d2' :  'C10',
                'pin_d3' :  'C11',
                'pin_clk' :  'C12' },

    It matches the HY, conveniently.

    Makefile info:

    else ifdef T2_STM32F4

    I see this in the jsrap_fs.c file

    It is currently only available on boards that contain an SD card slot, such as the Olimexino and the HY. It can not currently be added to boards that did not ship with a card slot.

    But I know that it's possible to use the USE_FILESYSTEM=1 on the STM32F4DISCOVERY with added on SD card slot (saw the thread noting it), but I guess before I continue digging in the wrong areas of code I was just curious if this was even possible in the current build, or what I'd have to modify if it isn't.

    Running a make with one or the other compiles, it's just not happy with both defines on an STM32F4 based build.


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