Wiring is almost the same as for "direct soldering screen to Espruino", except mine screen is powered from GND and 3.3. Espruino itself powered with step-up from U1V10F3 from Pololu (solar => supercapacitor => stepup). So, in theory, I have always 3.3 for Espruino and screen.
I'm using KS version(1.3?) with v72 firmware.
SPI1.setup({ baud: 2000000, sck:A5, mosi:A7 });
var interval = 10;
var g;
var time;
var voltage;
function onInit() {
time = 0;
function() {
g = require("PCD8544").connect(SPI1,A6,B1,B0, function() {
//g.drawString("Init complete.", 0, 1);
setInterval(onTimer, interval * 1000);
function onTimer() {
voltage = analogRead(A3) * E.getAnalogVRef();
time += interval;
g.drawString("Seconds: " + time, 0, 0);
g.drawString("Volts: " + Math.round(voltage*100)/100, 0, 8);
g.drawString("Reference: " + Math.round(E.getAnalogVRef()*100)/100, 0, 16);
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Wiring is almost the same as for "direct soldering screen to Espruino", except mine screen is powered from GND and 3.3. Espruino itself powered with step-up from U1V10F3 from Pololu (solar => supercapacitor => stepup). So, in theory, I have always 3.3 for Espruino and screen.
I'm using KS version(1.3?) with v72 firmware.