So on battery, you can see the words on the screen, they're just too light?
That makes a lot of sense - it's likely getting a lower voltage when running from battery, hence the image is lighter. Increase the contrast with the setContrast() method until it looks good.
reset() will reset the state of Espruino (following that with save() will then save that blank state) Putting code in right hand side of IDE, and doing "send to Espruino" on default settings will reset() first.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So on battery, you can see the words on the screen, they're just too light?
That makes a lot of sense - it's likely getting a lower voltage when running from battery, hence the image is lighter. Increase the contrast with the setContrast() method until it looks good.
reset() will reset the state of Espruino (following that with save() will then save that blank state) Putting code in right hand side of IDE, and doing "send to Espruino" on default settings will reset() first.