Well, actually I'm stuck exactly at the where topicstarter did. While connected to USB screen behaves as expected. But when I switch to battery - I barely can see what is written on my screen.
I increased initial timeout to 5 seconds, but it didn't help.
Espruino is working, according to LED indication, but screen - doesn't.
In the end cleaned up my code, reflashed Espruino numerous times and at some point it started working. For me, it seems that "saved state" was causing some of my problems.
With my Arduino background I sometimes get not what I expected. Is it possible to load to Espruino exact copy of what I wrote, w/o any "artifacts" whatever origin they might be?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Well, actually I'm stuck exactly at the where topicstarter did. While connected to USB screen behaves as expected. But when I switch to battery - I barely can see what is written on my screen.
I increased initial timeout to 5 seconds, but it didn't help.
Espruino is working, according to LED indication, but screen - doesn't.
In the end cleaned up my code, reflashed Espruino numerous times and at some point it started working. For me, it seems that "saved state" was causing some of my problems.
With my Arduino background I sometimes get not what I expected. Is it possible to load to Espruino exact copy of what I wrote, w/o any "artifacts" whatever origin they might be?