I can only answer regarding analog circuitry such as the current measurement circuit I showed. the most important part is to connect to the sense resistor correctly, that is make connections directly to the pads of the resistor to avoid additional voltage drops in traces. you should be able to send the amplified analog signal through quite long wires from the opamp to the ADC. for example using the twisted pairs in an ordinary phone jack cable. adding an RC low pass filter at the input of the ADC will help to reduce noise.
The physical/geometrical properties - and the (interfering) environment - of a connection >are always part of communication reliability. Are there rules of thumb for determine for how >long the connecting cable can be and how it has be built?
The physical/geometrical properties - and the (interfering) environment - of a connection are always part of communication reliability. Are there rules of thumb for determine for how long the connecting cable can be and how it has be built?