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  • I'm wondering what the right naming scheme for my overhauled EEPROM modules.

    Previously, I named them AT24 and AT25.

    I have two reservations about continuing that:

    1) The new modules are not backward compatible
    2) Why did I name them on Atmel's naming scheme, when over half a dozen companies produce effectively identical parts? In fact, the only thing that seems to distinguish Atmel's EEPROMs is their higher price.... I have a drawer full of EEPROMs (dozens of them) and not one of them was made by Atmel. So I wonder if naming it like that leads people down the wrong path, thinking they'd "better get the AT24's..

    And regarding the new OneWire one, I'm still not sure what I want to call it - though at least in that case, the parts all start with DS; it seems Dallas Semi (ie, Maxim) is the only one making them.


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