• Is there a way to get SW-Reference for nightly builds ?

    You could find what the git commit # is (via process.env worst case), check that version out, and run scripts/build_docs.py

    Are local variables in functions supported (latest webIDE already in use) ?

    Not yet, no... Hopefully that's not a long way off though.

    Is there a way to get address of Flat arrays to be used in Assembler ?

    Get the address of the JsVar (which will just be in the register) and add 16 to it (or 12 if you're on a device with a tiny amount of RAM).

    By the way, running 'compiled' JS in an IRQ (via setWatch(,,{irq:true})) is still unreliable. You'll be fine using assembler though - it's the allocation of JsVars that doesn't work well just yet.

  • How do we make build_docs.py run? I've also been really wishing we could get the docs - the docs on the site are just are so old compared to what we're using, but when I run it, it barfs:

    [root@ip-10-194-211-195 scripts]# ./build_docs.py
    Script location /var/espbuild/espruino/scripts
    Scanning for jswrap.c files
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./build_docs.py", line 28, in
    jsondatas = common.get_jsondata(True)
    File "/var/espbuild/espruino/scripts/common.py", line 98, in get_jsondata
    jswraps = subprocess.check_output(["find", ".", "-name", >"jswrap*.c"]).strip().split("\n")
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'check_output'

    Looking back, maybe it would have been a good idea to have released v72 right about here, before starting on flat strings...

           Fix pin namings on Nucleo boards
           Fix addition of stdlib's exit on Nucleo debug
           Allow setWatch to execute native functions inside the IRQ
           When dumping typed arrays, use the size if all elements are 0 (fix #448)
           eval() can now access local variables and function arguments (fix #460)

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