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  • Yes you are correct it talks to a php script that sits on my amazon aws server. This script actually makes the calls to the network rail LDBWS api and receives the data. I then rip out the parts I want and convert it to an json object and this is what is returned.

    I am using a naughty header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); to allow the javascript to talk to my php while developing from my local machine.

    My html literally just creates a canvas this is because the project was always aimed to just be run on hardware but people in the office liked it so much and use it for there trains I decided to try and keep it cross platform so they can still use it in the browser.

    If I am reading what you are saying correctly. You would be able to convert this to run on espruino but have a module that draws it onto your lcd. And I would then replace with a module that just sends the canvas data to my DMD board using i2c instead. I am still a little bit worried about about memory? all the little temporary canvas's will use up to much ram? If you could help me with this project I would really appreciate it :)


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