The dot matrix board serial is 115,200bps
If my math is correct this is far to slow for me to run 24fps :(
192x32x2 = 12288 bits / 8 = 1536 bytes (one frame, 3 colours)
This is why I will need to use its i2c interface (hopefully been written or I will be downloading the pic dev tools as well hehe)
@russdx started
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The dot matrix board serial is 115,200bps
If my math is correct this is far to slow for me to run 24fps :(
192x32x2 = 12288 bits
/ 8 = 1536 bytes (one frame, 3 colours)
This is why I will need to use its i2c interface (hopefully been written or I will be downloading the pic dev tools as well hehe)