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  • I connected using the Arduino Serial Monitor (hey, I barely had any time last night), and in that, I was able to copy/paste the entire command for adding the AT24 module to the cache (copied from command history after sending using the IDE and throttling). I'll hopefully have a chance to test tonight in a bit more detail.

    I was only pasting because when I tried to send with the IDE "Send to Espruino", all i could see was echo(0); - it never went back to idle. I was never able to get it to accept echo(1) at that point. I thought I'd been hitting ctrl+c before typing echo(1); into the void, but I was not ever able to get it to communicate again without disconnecting and reconnecting (at which point there was no sign of anything). So the copy-paste was a step to try to see what was going on - and when I did that, I found that things were getting cut off.


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