It's really a nicely done board that turns your RasPi into an ARM development platform.One of the exciting things is there is an Espruino ready to run on it.
With wiringPi and Espruino on the Pi and now this board running Espruino, I can easily run Espruino everywhere (obviously part of your plans for world domination!)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Espruino everywhere!!
I just purchased one of these ARMinARM boards for one of my Raspberry Pis ->
It's really a nicely done board that turns your RasPi into an ARM development platform.One of the exciting things is there is an Espruino ready to run on it.
With wiringPi and Espruino on the Pi and now this board running Espruino, I can easily run Espruino everywhere (obviously part of your plans for world domination!)
Well done!!